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Is seafood good for health Benefits and risks to consider food


Jan 7, 2023
seafood good for health

Fish and seafood are an essential part of the diet of many people around the world. Low in calories and rich in micronutrients, their consumption has been linked to a variety of health benefits. However, in recent research, it has been discovered that fish is not actually as beneficial as previously thought. The high concentration of mercury and the accumulation of microplastics following marine pollution are only 2 of the main causes. So, do crustaceans and edible molluscs also hide risks for our organism? Focus on their benefits and their potential harmful effects.

Content of the page [ hide ]1 What are the health benefits of seafood?1.1 Home of vitamins and minerals1.2 Prolific Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids1.3 Beneficial and low-calorie food1.4 Seafood and cholesterol2 Risks to consider2.1 Accumulation of heavy metals2.2 Seafood and food poisoning2.3 Allergic reactions

What are the health benefits of seafood?healthy seafood benefits risks considerView in gallery

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Seafood refers to several types of sea animals, including crustaceans, such as lobster, crab, and shrimp, molluscs, such as clams, mussels, and oysters, and echinoderms, such as sea urchins. In the common mind, the consumption of these good from the seas and oceans has a positive influence on our health. And we are not mistaken. Decades of scientific research have shown that diets rich in seafood protect us in several ways.Home of vitamins and mineralsprawns cholesterol seafood healthy benefits potential risksView in gallery

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Seafood is a concentrated source of many essential nutrients for human well-being. Shellfish, such as clams and shrimp, are particularly high in protein as well as vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 , selenium, and zinc. For example, an 85 gram serving of cooked clams provides:more than 3500% of the recommended daily value (RDV) of vitamin B1299% of selenium RQD21% of the zinc RQD13% of iron RQVStudies show that multiple people are affected by a deficiency of these nutrients, which is concerning. The lack of these elements negatively affects physical and mental health and increases the risk of developing certain health problems, including anemia, chronic depression , etc. Teenage girls, the elderly, and pregnant or breastfeeding women are particularly at risk of having low levels.

Prolific source of omega-3 fatty acidsnigiri sushi shrimp cholesterol seafood healthy benefits benefitsView in gallerySeafood is the main dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA play crucial roles in multiple aspects of health, including nerve cell function and fighting inflammatory processes. Research shows that diets high in seafood are significantly beneficial to nervous system and cardiovascular health and scientists believe this is specifically due to the acids EPA and DHA. Studies show that people who eat significant amounts of omega-3-rich seafood are less likely to suffer from heart disease and cognitive decline.Beneficial and low-calorie foodis seafood good for your health benefits risks musselsView in gallery

The cocktail of vitamins and minerals that go into the composition of the varied seafood offer other health benefits. According to science, they are good for our brain health and can boost our immune system . Likewise, crustaceans and edible molluscs are great allies in the fight against obesity and overweight. Seafood is low in calories while packed with lean protein and healthy fats. These characteristics make them excellent foods to eat when trying to lose pounds or maintain weight.Seafood and cholesteroloysters seafood healthy benefits risks considerView in galleryHowever, beware!

If certain seafood such as oysters and mussels are allowed when you have high bad cholesterol, others are not recommended. For example, according to specialists, crab and lobster are not very suitable for the diet against LDL cholesterol . And the shrimp? Yes, shrimp contain LDL, but they are also abundant in omega 3 fatty acids, which are believed to neutralize the adverse effects of bad cholesterol. So, seafood and cholesterol? Yes for shells, in moderation for shrimp and rarely for lobsters. Of course, frying is discouraged by default.Risks to considerSeafood Allergies Health Risks Consider

Even though marine dons are very nutritious and generally beneficial for us, consuming them also comes with possible downsides. Consumption of seafood poses a risk of:Accumulation of heavy metalspaella seafood health benefits nutrition omega 3 good fatsView in galleryShellfish and crustaceans can accumulate heavy metals from their environment, such as mercury or cadmium that humans cannot excrete. Over time, the buildup of these compounds in the body can lead to organ damage and other fairly serious health issues.Seafood and food poisoningfood poisoning seafood health risks allergiesView in galleryShellfish – such as clams, scallops, oysters and mussels – accounted for almost half of food poisoning cases. This can result from bacteria,

viruses or parasites that the seafood has caught in its environment. Be aware that pathogens survive and multiply in raw shellfish and poorly refrigerated shellfish. Therefore, proper storage and proper cooking of shellfish is the best prevention of possible food poisoning.Allergic reactionsseafood benefits health risks consider allergiesView in galleryCrustaceans, molluscs and fish are among the most common food allergens in adults. Bear in mind that such an allergy can occur in childhood, but it usually develops in adulthood. Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction to seafood are:vomiting and diarrheastomach pain and crampsswelling of the throat, tongue or lipsurticariashortness of breathIn some very severe cases, people with shellfish allergies can experience life-threatening anaphylactic shock. A severe allergic reaction therefore requires immediate treatment and calling 112 is in order.

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