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7 Great Reasons to Eat Seafood to Improve Your Brain Health


Jan 7, 2023
Eat SeafoodGood Foods for brain. Healthy eating Concept. Top view

The benefits of seafood consumption for your brain are many and valuable. In recent years, scientists who have conducted research on this subject have established that diet has a significant impact on the way our minds work.

7 Great Reasons to Eat Seafood to Improve Your Brain Health

Seafood is considered by nutritionists to be a very complete food because it provides us with a large amount of essential nutrients for our brain in the medium and long term. In addition, they are an essential food base for anyone who wants to lose a few extra pounds, since they contain very little fat.

The latest studies on healthy eating have highlighted the consumption of seafood, since it covers 80% of nutritional needs for all age groups, in addition to being exquisite and tasty. In addition, most seafood has the same benefits as white fish because it contains the same nutrients and proteins .

It doesn’t matter what type of seafood you eat, because all of them lead to a healthier life—provided you stick to a moderate intake, of course—and are especially helpful in improving heart and brain health

Seafood boosts memory

Consuming seafood regularly has a direct effect on concentration , memory and intellectual activity since they contain a moderate proportion of manganese, which our body does not manufacture on its own and which must be ingested in a moderate way. external so that our neurons have the best possible performance.

The vitamins , minerals and fats contained in seafood help the brain to achieve optimal development , which is why consuming it will improve your mental agility, but also your memory capacity.

Improved levels of concentration, memory , and intellectual activity are just a few examples of the many benefits of eating seafood for your brain.


They improve your self-esteem

The amount of tryptophan in seafood makes it a food that cannot be missing from your diet , as it promotes a good mood , and therefore your ability to face life.

Tryptophan is one of the 8 essential amino acids in the human diet. It is the metabolic precursor of serotonin. This hormone transmits signals among nerve cells and this has a direct impact on your mood. On the other hand, if your body mass index is high and you want to lower it, eating seafood can help: seafood has a low fat content, which is why it is the one of the ideal foods if you want to go on a diet.

They promote neurological development

In a study carried out at the University of Amsterdam with pregnant women, it was proven that infants and toddlers had better neurological development when mothers consumed seafood. before and during pregnancy.

They reduce mental fatigue

All shellfish are rich in zinc, which is a mineral that helps the brain to be alert and to lower stress and anxiety levels.

Although seafood is easy to digest because it is low in calories, it has been proven that it can provide you with the energy you need to carry out your daily activities. In fact, it is an excellent option for those who exercise, both cerebral and physical.

They improve the mood

Psychologists and neuro-psychologists recommend regular consumption of vitamin B12  to protect us against depression. The administration of supplements of this vitamin is equivalent to the consumption of 50g of seafood per week.

One of the benefits of eating seafood for your brain is the amount of vitamin B12 that we will then provide to our bodies.

They have strong antioxidant power

Seafood has a strong antioxidant power because it contains selenium: one of the nutrients the body needs to prevent oxidation.

Oxygen is an essential element of life. Without him, we could not live. However, if we do not control our diet, we will be more likely to fall ill and experience premature aging. Antioxidants, such as selenium, help us prevent alterations in the body, thus slowing down the reactions produced by oxidation.

seafood platter

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that regular seafood consumption reduces the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease by 47%.

The study authors performed autopsies on the brains of 286 participants who died after following certain dietary habits for years as part of a memory and aging study. None of these participants had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s before they entered this study. However, those who ate seafood regularly had a much lower risk of developing this degenerative neurological pathology.

Another benefit of seafood consumption for your brain is therefore the reduced risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease .

In conclusion, we can affirm that a rich and varied diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates (cereals, bread, pasta or brown rice), dairy products, fish, and where seafood sea ​​are an integral part of our nutritional routine, bring us great benefits in the medium and long term.

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